~Setitis Tinta~

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Metropolis Serendah, Selangor, Malaysia
Readers today, Leaders tomorrow


8th week of internship

This week, I had attend the meeting regarding the Sapangar project. In this meeting, certain issue had been reviewed for the improvement. The issues reviewed are regarding the vessel to be used for the project, MOB plan suitable date and the selection of the barge with the required specifications to rent for the project.

In the same week, I had been assign to design an A-Frame pontoon for the project to be used.
A-Frame pontoon function to deploy an anchor to the required area.

I used the engineering software (autocad 2007) to design the pontoon.

Here is the drawing that been done after had some discussion with Ahmad Shahir (field engineer) based on his experience on the previous project;

This is the reference for the drawing. A-Frame pontoon that had been used in the previous project.

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nak komen ke? silakan. just watch ur words... :D