~Setitis Tinta~

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Metropolis Serendah, Selangor, Malaysia
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ISO project for 2nd week intership

Suddenly, today I got ISO project to be done due on june. This morning we had a meeting regarding this project. The task should be start now... This project will replace all my Internship period in OMBAK, perhaps my experience in OMBAK is doing the ISO project but not being exposed in oil and gas industry... For me, it is okay but I will steal my time to expose my self in oil and gas because I don't wanna loose my opportunity to get along with the experienced engineer in this company. I want to know every scope of the company projects until I could explain to the others by my self regarding the projects done in this company because during presentation soon, we need to explain to the lecturer about our role in the company and understanding of the company vision and mission. Today, I've get through the requirements for the task and tomorrow I will ask my Manager Representative(MR) to start the task given..

4 C0mmenT:

Einzafeera said...

what is ISO? your explanation is too short. haha

Anonymous said...

mintak tunjuk dari atip... dia ade latar balakang SIRIM...

MuiZzudDEen.MahYuddiN said...

ISO is international organization for standardization....ble company follow the procedure provided, company tuh akan di iktiraf ngn ISO n company tuh akan capai byk kejayaan lps tuh disebabkn ISO menyediakan garis panduan kerja yg optimum. tp kalau de company yg bole buat more than that tuk berjaya suddenly kne ikut ISO, prestasi dia akan berkurang sbb standardization nih...haaa tu la trick dia...

Widan: sirim da lme dpt ISO la. atip xtau pape sal ISO sbb dia bkn buat projek ni...company ak kn bru lg establish

Anonymous said...

wooooo.. kira ko nak jadi otai ISO la ni.. hahaha.. yang aku tau iso image je yang untuk men game tu... huhuhuhu..

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